

- Shells That Glow: A Beachside Adventure

Hello, lovely souls! 🌊 Fancy a moonlit beach stroll with a twist? Grab yourself a UV LED flashlight, and get ready for a breathtaking fluorescent journey. Thanks to the magic of new UV LED long-wave flashlights, it’s not just plants that light up; sea shells are joining the glow-up game too!

For some inspiration, check out UV Shells. There’s a treasure trove of fluorescent shell images and fascinating tidbits waiting for you.

Now, picture this: I used to live in sunny South Florida, where rock collecting isn’t exactly the local pastime. However, they’ve got endless stretches of sand and shells! During my time there, I examined shells in daylight using a mercury vapor lamp. Like most things made of calcium carbonate, they fluoresced in a dull gray-white shade—not exactly Instagram-worthy. So, the idea of exploring a beach at night never even crossed my mind.

Fast forward to my current Wyoming home, armed with powerful UV LED flashlights and a box full of shells collected during the day (somewhere in the midst of a divorce shuffle). I’m eager to find them and let them shine! But until then, let me share a common fluorescent calcium carbonate shell found in Wyoming. Trust me; fluorescence adds a delightful twist to appreciating these beauties. LOL!

Fluorescent Eggs

- Eggs Glowing In Shades Of Lilac, Pink, Ruby Red, And Dull Brick Red


- Eggs From Various Chickens In The Neighbor’s Flock

Update: The Shells Resurface

Exciting news! I’ve tracked down those shuffled shells. Almost every shell has that classic calcite/aragonite dull white glow. Only a small fragment and the edge of a tiny coral piece hint at more glowing possibilities. It turns out, just like rocks, fluorescent shells can be elusive in natural light. And similar to rocks, while many fluoresce, the ones that truly dazzle are rare.

Perhaps in the future, I’ll have the chance to collect brilliantly glowing shells on a dark beach. But for now, these Wyoming “shells” are stealing the show. LOL!

Sending beach vibes your way, D 🪨🔥